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Peace within, Peace without.
Peace in front of you. Peace behind you. Peace to the left of you. Peace to the right of you.
Peace above you. Peace below you.
Peace all around you.


Yoga at Home

Meditation Initiation

"Meditation is the foundation from which all yogic practices are built upon."

Sattva Meditation

Benefits all aspects of ones life.

Sattva Meditation is unique in that it is a Kriya and Mantra based technique which stems from the Yog-Vedantic tradition. 

It's a comprehensive, simple and effective technique which includes Breathwork, Kriya and Mantra.


Sattva Meditation brings us consistently into a deep state of peace and tranquility.

That which becomes consistent becomes transforming.


The Meditation Initiation weekend is comprehensive, whole. A step by step approach for those who sincerely wish to have a personal daily meditation practice. 

You will leave the weekend Initiation with your own personal mantra and the tools and techniques to become a meditator, to be meditative.


As my guru says if you ask someone " Do you meditate?", and the answer is 'sometimes' then the answer is 'No'.


Please contact for next available dates at or Tel: +447790 552293 


Friday Evening 7pm-9pm

Saturday 1.00pm-5.00pm

Sunday 1pm- 5.00pm


Cost: £300

Integration time in nature recommended.


The benefits to consistent meditation are simply limitless!

No longer swept away in the endless chatter of the monkey mind but rather the observing stillness from which all arises..


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